Participate in Bird House and Painting Competition

Become A Member


Membership Period: Lifetime

Number of kits: 01

Fees: Rs. 3,995/- only

(Join with us to bring sparrow back)

Become Member

Become a Patron

Membership Period: Lifetime

Number of kits: 10

Fees: Rs. 36,000/- only

(Buy 9 Kits and get 1 kit free)

Become Member

Corporate Membership


Membership Period: Lifetime

Number of kits: 100

Fees: Rs. 3,60,000/- only

(Buy 90 Kits and get 10 kit free)

Become Member

Kit Contents

Travel Bag
(1 Nos.)

Bird Food
(6 Packets)

Bird House
(2 Nos.)

Bird Feeder
(4 Nos.)

Star India Stickers
(8 Nos.)


(1 Nos.)

Star India Brooch Pin
(1 Nos.)

Pop Socket
(1 Nos.)

Star India Cufflinks
(for patron & corporate members only)

Fossil Rock
(for corporate members only)

Who We Are


Help us grow by becoming a part of this initiative and spreading the word.

Star India aims to build a community to create a habitable environment to bring back the endangered species that is Sparrow.

House Sparrow, once an integral part of our immediate environment, today sits on the list of the endangered species. StarIndia was born out of a response to this crisis. We recognise the actions needed to help them recover. We believe that people who have a shelter, can always provide a shelter to others.

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