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Who We Are


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Star India aims to build a community to create a habitable environment to bring back the endangered species that is Sparrow.

House Sparrow, once an integral part of our immediate environment, today sits on the list of the endangered species. StarIndia was born out of a response to this crisis. We recognise the actions needed to help them recover. We believe that people who have a shelter, can always provide a shelter to others.

Humans have evolved tremendously in all areas, yet somehow we still lack empathy, compassion and awareness about our surroundings.

There is an urgent need to realise that we humans live in a symbiotic relationship with all the other life forms and the environment. For this earth is not ours to own but ours to share.

We will provide all the resources necessary for feeding and nesting the sparrows. Generate public awareness of the causes as well as the rescue.

Involve our next generation and encourage them towards a greener tomorrow. Nurse and nurture our surrounding and serve all living beings.

People who have a shelter can always provide a shelter to others. Value freedom for wildlife.
Help us grow by becoming a part of this initiative and spreading the word.
